Who ya votin’ for now in 2024?

CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MO — It’s election season, in case you haven’t noticed signs smattered all over the roadways, campaign fliers in your mailbox, and political ads on TV and radio. Candidates may have even knocked on your door or left a push card with why you should vote for them.

The primary election is August 6. That’s a Tuesday. Wait until November for the Presidential Election. For now, the pool of GOP candidates is large, and must be weeded out, so one of them faces a Democrat in November. (Some of them don’t, so this will be their victory dance!)

There are a lot of candidates. It can get confusing.

Do your civic duty and vote. But for whom?

If you are voting Republican in Chadwick in Christian County (where I vote) here is a sample ballot:

I have marked in red who I’m voting for. I marked out any candidate who is pretending to be conservative but has another agenda; or, who is a flat-out liberal RINO, playing the game of politics trying to get elected.

NOTE: Rick Parham for Eastern Commissioner dropped out of the race.


Jay Ashcroft got lied about. He didn’t authorize Chinese purchases of Missouri property, because he was never in a position to approve such purchases. If he had been, he would have not authorized it.

I go to church with his dad, former U.S. Attorney General/MO Governor John Ashcroft. While not a big Ashcroft fan, the only reason I am voting for him over Bill Eigel is because Eigel has scare tactics, but no real solutions. At least Ashcroft, the current Secretary of State, has a proven track record. Bill is not a bad choice as far as his conversative views.

Mike Kehoe is endorsed by big city mainstream RINOS.


Lieutenant Governor race. Lincoln Hough should be a Democrat. DO NOT vote for him. Dave Wasinger is the truest conservative in that race.


Shane Schoeller is the most proven conservative in the Secretary of State race. Valentina is a fireball, but why is she running? There’s more to that job than cute shoes, guns, and saying the “F” bomb. I’d vote for her if I was 12.

Jamie Corley is a RINO.


For State Treasurer, Cody Smith is the real conservative with the experience. Lori Rook had my initial attention, but further investigation reveals she has an ax to grind against another candidate and is not in favor of school choice. Boo. (She has nice hair, though.)


Two great candidates for Attorney General. Bailey gets my vote because he is already in that office and doing a GREAT job protecting us and defending against the illegal border crisis brought on by Biden’s bungling regime. Why bring in Scharf, he is not tried and tested. Don’t rock that boat!


Eric Burlison will win District 7 Representative (Congress) seat. He’s already there and he is lined up with the right people and has the right perspective. The other names are unknown wannabes. I crossed out one name for fun, because it looks like a RINO name, but I’m just messing around!


State Senator. Mike Moon. Already in the job. Already follows the Constitution. No question about that. Lots of questions about the intent of his opponent. Plus, Mike Moon sounds cool to say. MOOOOONNNN.


State Rep District 138. Tom Franiak knows about business and how to appeal to Jeff City funding for local projects. Whaley is not in touch with how to do that. He just copycats what Franiak says. But two newbies, both good men personally.


Bradley Jackson for Eastern Commissioner. Again, already in the office, doing a great job. No complaints, no need to change. Jackson wants to stay in that job to show consistency. Previous occupants in that position pushed to be presiding commissioner after one term.


Brad Cole is boring, but he is the only sheriff we got, running unopposed. He is also a cool guy once you get to know him. Lots of people don’t like him and think he is dangerous, but that’s not the impression I get when I talk to him. He’s no tyrant, like Buff Lamb was and therefore, no problem.


Melissa Bilyeu is unopposed. She belongs in that job because her long-time boss Karen Matthews is retiring, and Karen taught her everything she needs to know. Smart woman, but she would be smarter to do what her boss Karen does and get out and meet people at public events! Don’t hide behind your desk!


Jeremy Burns, hands down, in the three-way race for Assessor. He is already Deputy Assessor and knows the job. He speaks well. He cares. He told me he can’t wait to talk to more people and involve them in the process of understanding the personal property taxes here. The other candidates are nice, but they don’t hold a candle to Jeremy Burns.

Jeremy Burns speaks in Sparta/CCT Photo


Not opposed, but Mandi Yoder-Armitage is a WINNER! VOTE FOR HER TWICE, if you can… hehe.

Mandi is the current County Coroner. She spoke at the Christian County Trumpet’s Candidate Forum July 18 in Sparta. Even though unopposed, she cares. She sees the Coroner job as a ministry. She helps the families hurting from loss of a loved one. Many Coroners are merely funeral home directors and want the job for recognition. She is a true public servant. I am more impressed with her than with most candidates on the entire face of the Earth!

Mandi Yoder-Armitage is the Bestest Coroner Ever!/ CCT Photo


Someone I don’t know running unopposed. Yawn.

Be aware of Judges and their silent power

The reason I don’t vote for judges normally (Laura Johnson) is because they have so much power and don’t campaign. They’re appointed and don’t really need to be elected to keep their cushy jobs. I think we should put all judges on the campaign trail like the rest of the candidates who work hard to get elected!

Amendments, Amendments, blah blah blah

The Constitutional Amendments … Amendment 1 gives childcare providers a tax break, because there is a shortage of child care providers. So, give ’em a break. Vote YES.

Amendment 4 is a NO because it’s about funding Kansas City and St. Louis and I don’t think we need to vote on that issue here.

Other Christian County Ballot (Ozark)

Vote for Jamie Ray Gragg for State Rep. District 140 if you live in that district. He took on teacher and school counselors who want to groom kids into changing their sex. Click here for the LGBTQ version of that. Click here for the CCT version.

37300cookie-checkWho ya votin’ for now in 2024?