SPS is now covering up teacher student sex scandal?

SPRINGFIELD, MO — Springfield Public Schools are allegedly covering up a teacher-student sex scandal. According to a listener on a local news talk radio station, his son, who recently graduated from SPS, knows details about a sex ring involving a Kickapoo and 4 Glendale High School teachers renting an apartment on Ingram Mill Road for sex parties with students in recent years.

The caller insisted the situation is being “swept under the rug” by SPS officials. I heard the caller and host interaction live while listening to the local radio station in my car this week.

“Did you or your son try to contact agencies or school personnel about this?” the radio host asked, astonished.

The caller said yes, they had, but no one believed them and no follow up action was taken, as far as he knew.

The allegation itself is not an indictment. However, it should legitimately raise concerns and merit an investigation. Here is a similar situation in Kansas City schools. Click here for details.

Response #1 to teacher student sex scandal

Assume everything is a lie and everyone is a liar, and nothing bad like this would ever happen in our area.

That view, sadly, is more dangerous than any other view.

Response #2 to teacher student sex scandal

Form a citizens action committee (or utilize one if it already exists) of concerned parents and citizens to hold SPS accountable. Bring it up for review at SPS Board meetings. Notify SPS Board members. Three of them actually care about students. The other four, good luck!

The three that care: Dr. Maryam Mohammadkhani, Steve Makoski and Kelly Byrne.

Up to you now

Anytime something this serious is exposed, revealed, or brought up, regardless of details or specifics, we citizens owe it to ourselves to follow up in our own school districts. Be diligent. Attend school board meetings. Get involved in parental groups. A good one in Christian County is Concerned Parents of the Ozarks.

Above all, talk to your children. Watch what’s going on. Know their friends and their friends’ families. Talk with other parents. Be honest, don’t be paranoid, just be available and informed. Be a friend.

I miss the good old days when people showed appreciation and stuck together more. They showed respect but held one another accountable with honest and open communication. Let’s be citizens today like those citizens were.

The Christian County Trumpet strives to reach voters and taxpayers in Christian County, Missouri. Some people thing Christian County Trumpet relates to Christianity. Well, it kind of does, but if the county name was different, the name of the news blog would be different, too. Though this article stems from Greene County, what happens in a larger school district nearby trickles down into Christian County. We must be ever vigilant.

33820cookie-checkSPS is now covering up teacher student sex scandal?