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Missouri Senate discusses allowing Chinese Commies to buy property in MO?!

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I was listening to Nick Reed on KSGF yesterday morning. He was interviewing a state senator who’s name I didn’t catch. They were talking about a bill before the Senate that would decide whether or not to sell Missouri rural property to our enemies in China, Russia or other anti-American countries.

That should be a NO BRAINER, a HARD HELL NO!

Why would our state government entertain the idea of selling Missouri land to our enemies, the Commies, or whomever?

The fact that they aren’t decided yet means two things:

  1. They have definitely gone off track for even considering it
  2. There is still time to contact your state rep and state senator to tell them NOT to pass any bill that would allow foreign countries to buy land in Missouri for ANY reason!

And if you think this is hype… it’s already happening in Ozark

If you think other countries besides our enemies are okay buying local land, check this out. An Ozark City official told me recently a Canadian company bought Liberty Electric and they are holding the citizens of Ozark hostage with inflated prices. The same Canadian company is also doing the same thing in Boulder, CO and other American communities.

Nixa has its own electric source and is free from such oppressive foreign influence. And in Springfield, they have City Utilities, which isn’t a good operation, but it’s way better than a foreign entity gouging the prices.

The way the Ozark official put it was the Canadian company paid higher than market price for the land to put in the electrical grid in the first place. Sounded like a good deal for the seller… until it wasn’t!

27730cookie-checkMissouri Senate discusses allowing Chinese Commies to buy property in MO?!