Full Disclosure: How we are going to protect parents

OZARK, MO — The Christian County Trumpet seeks to protect parents of students in the Ozark R-VI School District.

How? By reporting situations otherwise hidden from parents!

CCT wants to help your kids!


On the outside, Ozark R-VI still looks like the district people move to for the schools. But recently, under the narcissistic Superintendent Dr. Chris Bauman, corruption and tyranny rule the administration. Numerous examples are cited in other posts on this blog.

Please read this blog thoroughly if you want to know details.

Allowing tyranny and corruption destroys a district. It’s Stage 4 at this point. Whatever lies Dr. Bauman tells the school board about teachers is believed by the board, because they aren’t allowed to hear the teacher’s side of the story.

Nearly 50 teachers fear for their jobs if they speak out against bullying and abuses of power by Dr. Bauman and other administrators.

Abuses of power run rampant.

Parents lose when their children don’t get a quality of education that they expect. When high performing teachers are forced to resign, or take leaves of absence to escape the harassment and bullying by administration, it’s time for parents to run interference.

We wouldn’t bring this up if it were one or two disgruntled, underperforming teachers. But more and more high-quality “Teacher of the Year” types are providing damning evidence that can’t be refuted, only denied and covered up.

As long as parents let administrators get away with it.

Going to school board meetings and making your voice heard is a start. But remember, with Ozark, the board is under the thumb of the Superintendent, who only provides information he wants them to hear. Administrators work closely with their hired gun, a St. Louis lawyer whose sole purpose is to protect the district and leave staff and faculty hanging out to dry.

If you are a parent of a student in Ozark, MO, please be aware that all is not as it seems. It’s not a few disgruntled teachers complaining. It’s a full out war. This tyrant is not going to step down easily.

That’s where YOU come in as parents.


If you care about your child’s quality of education, please don’t let Ozark suffer any longer under tyranny. In nearby Nixa, they aren’t suffering, and they have a similar sized district.

It’s not the district size that’s the problem; it’s the district Superintendent, Dr. Chris Bauman. He’s the problem. And his sidekick, Dr. Curtis Chesick. He’s the problem, too.

So, parents, attend school board meetings and voice your concerns about tyranny and abuses of power. If you can’t attend, email them. And mention Tom Swift, Shelly Pettit, and Major Danny Cazier by name as teachers who need to be heard, not phased out.

Tom Swift is still on the payroll. He didn’t accept their buyout and shut up offer.

The other two have resigned. And there are others, but they aren’t ready to speak publicly. PTSD. Bad memories. Others are still in the district and need the money.

Please be a good parent and help them. Speak up and pay attention.


CCT (Christian County Trumpet) stands with you by reporting all the bad things the toxic administrators and school board members do. We will continue until the public phases them out. Asks for their resignations.

Then replaces them with fair and honest people who aren’t tyrants. Time to clean house in Ozark, so it can function like Nixa, it’s successful neighbor to the west.

Let’s hear your input. ChristianCountyTrumpet@gmail.com for correspondence.

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