‘Woke’ Nixa City Council Member Resigns!


NIXA, MO — BREAKING NEWS! City Council member Amy Hoogstraet, a “California style Liberal” with a “woke” agenda to promote LGBTQIA+ is throwing in the towel.

The activist has finally caved under pressure from the public to resign her post on Nixa City Council as of yesterday evening, September 6, 2022, according to sources close to the Christian County Trumpet.

Ms. Hoogstraet was on the “naughty list” at city hall after reportedly going around City Adminstrator Jimmy Liles to direct city employees to do her bidding and obey her will.

Shamey Shamey Ms. Hoogstraet!

“She organized proclamations focused on a political agenda,” a source told the Trumpet.

Other sources claimed Hoogstraet used her personal email to get around city requirements related to a youth event focused on sexual orientation.


Amy H (not gonna spell that name again!) was elected to a 3-year term in April.

The resignation comes on the heels of another City Council member, Justin Orf, resigning Aug. 31.

Both seats are going to be on the April 2023 ballot.

Orf has 2 years remaining on his term.

In the meantime, temporary replacements are being summoned for Districts 1 and 3 to serve until April’s election next year.

District 1 is north of North Street. (That strikes me as funny, must be cold up there!)

District 3 is south of Route 14, but who cares?

Congratulations to The Nixa Patriots (sounds like a pro football team) for booting out a woke activist. Let’s get somebody good in there!

Makes we wonder, though. How does City Council in Nixa get all the luck? They can just randomly choose whoever they want to fill the vacant 2 seats until the April election. How cool is that? If I was the mayor, I’d be like, “I’m choosing these two. They never talk back or give me any trouble.” I’d be like, on the phone in five minutes, with my best buddy, “Hey, Marv, I got a great position for you! How’s about that City Council gig you always wanted, eh, ol’ buddy? Guess what, it’s YOURS!”

2970cookie-check‘Woke’ Nixa City Council Member Resigns!