Truth now told: Banned from James River Church (Pt. 3)

The truth is now being told about how I was banned from James River Church. My story is from 1997 until 2011. It has nothing to do with the recent James River Church controversy where Pastor Mark Driscoll was removed from the stage by JRC Pastor John Lindell for speaking out at the Stronger Men’s Conference about the demonic influence of the opening act.

Click here for Part 1.

Click here for Part 2 of my story.

From Left, Pastor Mark Driscoll, Sword Swallower Alex Magala, Pastor John Lindell/Internet Photo

Truth now told: Clarifying my story

Before I share chapter 3 of my story of how I was banned from James River Church, I must clear up some things. I’ve received a lot of feedback from the first two chapters. I appreciate all of you who read and those who took time to comment on Facebook, Youtube and elsewhere. My personal Facebook page is Johnny Rooster, my YouTube channels are Christian County Trumpet, Johnny Rooster Comedy, and SightsofSpringfieldMO.

Several people ask me why I’m bringing my story up now that JRC is in the headlines. Yes, it’s because the church is in the news. I can’t get an audience any other way. No, I wasn’t waiting for this to happen. I want people to know what happens behind the scenes at a big church and what it’s like being in ministry, not just attending, a large church. I want people to read for themselves and make their own decisions. I am not a victim in this story. I am guilty of many things. I am definitely not perfect. I don’t hold John Lindell to a standard of perfection. But I know he is a leader and I’m not. I’m an observer. I’m a Christian, but I’m not a very good Christian. I don’t try to be perfect or holy or anything. I just love people, I love God, I love my family, and I’m not bitter. I point out my sins and wrongs in the story. If you want more about me, read my book “Divorced Christian Dad” available on Amazon. It details my struggles in my marriage and how men need strong friends during crisis. The book is part 2 or a “men’s friends'” series. My first in the series is “Unlikely Friend” about how I couldn’t find true friendship at James River Church until one man did one simple thing that made the difference. It’s a story about the importance of friendship between Christian men. My purpose in mentioning those books is to provide depth of clarity about my interest in helping Christian men, my primary audience. The rest of you are welcome members of my readership. Thanks for reading. By the way, my YouTube channels are 80 percent male viewers.

Clarity on John Lindell/Mark Driscoll

My story is not related to the controversy between John and Mark. However, I listened to John’s message on JamesRiver.TV last night (Wednesday, April 17, 2024) and he did a slick sales job of rallying his faithful followers.

Click here for that.

I believe he had valid points about Mark and took so much time trying to discredit Mark so John could continue to look righteous. All John had to do was say, “We have different opinions. I am not infallible. Anyone can fall. We are all under grace, but we are not immune to sin. If I did anything willfully sinful, please forgive me. My heart is in the right place.”

Here’s the issue: John Lindell never accepts criticism and always looks honorable. Beware of leaders like that. He has no real accountability. He reaches out to leaders who agree with him and won’t take rebuke. He likes to dish it out, on the other hand. He’s more than happy to attack another leader (Mark Driscoll in this case). He didn’t have to defend his daughter, Savanna. No one was questioning her integrity. He goes over the top and brings the emotionally charged crowd to a WWE type hype. Hype, hype, hype. Me, me, me. That’s John Lindell.

I’m not a Mark Driscoll fan. Barely knew who he was. Couldn’t have picked him out if I’d see a picture of him before Monday. Don’t know why he wants to always wear a ball cap on stage. Goofy. I don’t follow people; I follow Jesus. Click here for a Live message about that from last night on my Facebook page.

Here’s the point: If Mark Driscoll is a fake and the performer Alex Magala is pure as the driven snow, so what? John Lindell still can’t accept criticism. He calls himself anointed and misuses Scripture to say no one should speak bad about him. He takes Scripture out of context. He is his own PR Department. He should get a PR job after he retires from the pulpit. His followers blindly accept anything he says.

Click here for more about that.

Again, it’s not about the entertainment at the venue. It’s not even about Mark Driscoll. It’s about John Lindell thinking he is above criticism, because he is “the Lord’s anointed.” He uses the same logic Benny Hinn, prosperity preacher, uses.

My story continues

i Have run out of time so I will continue this story tomorrow. I have a full time job.

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One thought on “Truth now told: Banned from James River Church (Pt. 3)

  1. This story is amazing….

    Many many many years ago, my father and step mother needed help in a serious situation. They reached out to several churches… Including JRA/JRC. Their response was… We only help our own members.

    To me being a firm believer in God and an almighty being.


    This church is a sin of all sins if you ask me.

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