How should true Christians respond to the culture?

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Are evangelical Christians obligated to comment on the culture? Are they allowed to voice their beliefs in the public sector?

When it comes to the values we as Christians hold, why must we not comment on topics such as LGBTQIA+ Clubs in taxpayer funded public schools?

Advocates of such clubs say they protect LGBT students from bullying by raising awareness of their situation. What is that awareness? That minors need to establish a club based on who they are attracted to? Really? That bullying isn’t being addressed already? There are laws and rules against bullying, so why bring sexual attraction definitions into the game?

How does one’s sexual attraction relate to an outside funded club within locally tax-funded schools? How does providing that information (Gay Pride flags, indoctrination of young students, etc.) on to non-LGBT students help them associate with their beliefs?

I understand that a non-teacher led group could form that pushes materials promoting the Bible and “one man, one woman” marriage and sex for married heterosexual couples only. Would those of us who stand for Biblical morality and values be offended and harsh with LGBT students and adults for being offended that the Bible and “reserve sex until marriage between one man and one woman” themes are being offered through a student led club?

If the shoe were on the other foot, how would the LGBT community respond?

And to those who say LGBT Clubs are not based on sexuality, just what is the LGBT standing for? Is it not Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender?

Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines Lesbian: “a woman who is sexually or romantically attracted to other women.”

Additionally, the same dictionary defines Gay: “of, relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to people of one’s same sex”.

I don’t think I need to comment on the other letters; you all get the point that the basis for the term LGBT and any other additional letters has to do with sexual attraction. Why is sexuality so prominent in these groups for children under age 18?

It’s not right.

I welcome comments from the community regarding this topic. All I have received so far is hatred and wrath. Bring me things to print for your side, so we can have a two-way discussion in a publication designed for Christian County voters and taxpayers.

Here’s what others are saying:

Soldiers for the Gender Revolution (

Pastor Spencer Smith, Schweitzer Church, Springfield, Missouri, Sept. 25, 2022


On Sunday, Sept. 25, 2022, Spencer Smith, pastor of Schweitzer Church in Springfield, MO, had this to say during his sermon:

“I had this preaching professor who had this point he was making about how, as preachers, we should not preach against sex outside marriage, cohabitation, or that we should never say God’s plan is for marriage to be between one man and one woman, because “The culture has moved on.”

This was 20 years ago.

Are we going to let our neighbors tell us how to live, instead of the Bible?

Sexuality is one area where this comes up.

Another is the culture.

We are going to find a dividing line in our culture.

Culture says greed is good.

Bible says generosity is good.

Culture teaches us to live as if everything depends on you.

The Bible says trust the Lord.

Culture says compare yourself to others and care about what they say about you.

There is a dividing line between those who live the way of Christ and the way of the world.

Some of us Christians blend in with the world and we don’t realize it.

Entire sermon on youtube here:

I believe Christians have an obligation to stand up for their beliefs. We are pro God, pro-family, pro-life, and pro-America. We don’t want kids taught that white men are evil or that they should be ashamed of who they are.

4490cookie-checkHow should true Christians respond to the culture?

4 thoughts on “How should true Christians respond to the culture?

  1. It’s called GSA= gay/straight alliance. It isn’t funded by tax payer money. And the schools offers a club for Christians and even hold Wednesday meetings/sermons LED by adults. You don’t see any complaints about that. Yet they advertise and promote their beliefs all over. If you aren’t a student or a teacher or a staff member or even a parent who goes into the schools then you have no idea what is going on in the schools. You are just spreading hate. Sick.

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