Now what must happen with beleaguered Ozark School Board

Ozark School Board, from left, Jeff Laney, Patty Quessenberry, Aaron Johns, Tom Bass, Mark Jenkins, Sarah Adams Orr, Shane Nelson (photo from Ozark School Web site)

OZARK, MO — Ugh! When will enough be enough?

How low must the standard go before the three rascals on the Ozark School Board are asked to resign, or face removal?

Rascal #1: Sarah Adams Orr, el Presidente of said school board, who foolishly ran for re-election and whose term doesn’t expire until 2026. (Gasp!) Please, Sarah, find the exit!

Ms. Orr has been on the board a good long time. She should realize integrity matters. Her DWI case happened in recent times, when she was on the board. Please, for the love of decency, please just step down.

Rascal #2: Aaron Johns

This guy. Yeah. No real job experience, but worse, sends hate mail to another county official while running for the same county job, all during his time as President of the Ozark School Board recently. Golly! Please, enough. The voters and taxpayers do NOT deserve this treatment. Step down, Mr. Johns! Now! Integrity matters!

Rascal #3: Shane Nelson

Hey, we all lose our cool. But a 4th degree assault charge in recent times should not be part of a school board members’ resume. Yikes! Word on the street is Nelson isn’t running for re-election when his term expires next year. Can we hang on that long? At least there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

Christian County Trumpet is the Doctor of Disaster Relief. So, here’s the Doctor’s Orders:

  1. Ask Sarah Adams Orr to resign, effective immediately
  2. Ask Aaron Johns to resign, effective immediately
  3. Urge Shane Nelson not to run again (term expires 2023)
  4. Urge Jeff Laney not to run again (term expires 2023)
  5. Urge Tom Bass not to run again (term expires 2023)

Install Mark Jenkins as School Board President (President Jenkins has a nice ring to it!)

Patty Quessenberry’s term expires 2024, urge her NOT to run again. Sheesh, she’s been on there forever!


Good people are waiting in the wings to be involved in the Ozark School Board. Qualified people who can stand up to the toxic tyranny being dished out by Superintendent Dr. Chris Bauman and Superintendent of Operations (don’t you LOVE that title?) Dr. Curtis Chesick.

These two goons have got to go! The new school board should remove them ASAP, or sooner. Better yet, the public should urge them, no… beg them to resign!


Sarah Orr DWI case
Aaron Johns Harrassment Probable Cause Statement
Shane Nelson Assault Charge

Shane Nelson Assault Charge

9130cookie-checkNow what must happen with beleaguered Ozark School Board

One thought on “Now what must happen with beleaguered Ozark School Board

  1. Those who desire to be leaders should hold to a much higher standard!!! Their community must hold them there as well!
    Seriously, though? Such bullying behavior with hate crimes and even physical assaults — among those who are tasked with leading our kids?!?!?!?!!

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