Strong opinions about Ozark’s infrastructure

OZARK, MO — Ladies and gentlemen, Ozark, MO residents are strong… especially in their opinions!

Here is just ONE, gathered from Ashley Sudheimer, administrator at Facebook Page Ozark Mo Community Chitchat….

(This woman should be a therapist, or at least get paid for her genius idea! )

Some of the folks in Ozark have some pretty valid points to make. You all can jump in on this blog post, as well, as your comments are also welcome as a fresh breeze in the summertime!


We ain’t keepin’ up with our growth, y’all!

Josh Tuning says: When are we going to face the fact our infrastructure is not at all up to par with the amount of people moving to Ozark? We have hundreds of children in Tiger Paw Pre School. They changed the grades per building to the middle school only being 5th and 6th literally two grades for an entire school!

When are government leaders going to realize our streets, parks, complete infrastructure is not prepared for what we have coming in the next few years. It’s like they are just ignoring it, not being proactive about the amount of families that have moved to our city and county with younger children, and so many more coming daily. Have you been at the stoplight in front of Kum and Go and Rapid Roberts on CC at 8 a.m. or 5 p.m.? It’s complete gridlock for a couple hours!

We aren’t ready for the influx of children coming and what that will do with traffic, parks, schools, etc.

We aren’t being proactive with being one of the best cities in Missouri and so many people wanting to move to our amazing town. It’s happening right now, and our government officials are not doing squat to be proactive. OK, benefit of the doubt, if they are planning behind the scenes, tell us about it!

Tell us you know we have a major traffic congestion problem at more than one intersection. Tell us you know our parks are so far behind so many other towns. Tell us you know there is an issue wit our infrastructure in more ways than probably any of us know. Tell us you’re working on grants to make it better, you are working on plans to make it better. It seems you’re saying, “Oh, thank you for the added tax dollars from the major increase in population; we’re going to ride this new revenue until it gets so bad we have to do something.”

It’s time Ozark leaders become proactive and start doing something about the new Ozark we live in now!

Stop living in the small-town mindset. It’s good to act small town with kindness, friendships, and knowing your neighbors. But from a growing standpoint, we aren’t even a little bit close to keeping up!

If something isn’t done now, we will sooner than later turn into a town no one moves to because we didn’t do enough to keep up with growth!

Your thoughts? Read the whole post thread on Facebook, and let’s hear YOUR ideas!

2810cookie-checkStrong opinions about Ozark’s infrastructure

2 thoughts on “Strong opinions about Ozark’s infrastructure

  1. The mayor has a meeting the second Saturday morning of every month at the OC. I’m fairly new here myself yet am aware of current and future projects planned because of those meetings. Plus, he gives his phone number to everyone.

  2. The Government officials tried to tell people about it, and tried to fix the infrastructure – but the people voted down the use tax which would have funded police, parks, and schools…. Also look at what the city government gets from your property taxes, versus what the schools get. As for Grants, look at how they paid for the new Playground and Garrison Springs. If this is one person’s opinion, they’re not very informed.

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