Why Republicans are idiots now

THE FOLLOWING is a ROOSTER RANT (opinion of Johnny Rooster, CCT Publisher)

You’ve heard the saying “takes one to know one?”

Well, I’m a Republican, so I know an idiot when I see one.

Democrats stick together. They could have the stupidest, dumbest, most ridiculous viewpoint (i.,e. pretend to change the rules of nature and call it science?) But at least they unify in their folly. They erase social norms and traditional decency, confuse an entire generation in one fell swoop. Poof! It’s done!

“America’s Doctor”

Apparently, Republicans haven’t learned the art of unification yet.

When someone they elect doesn’t do their exact bidding, they crucify him or her. (I believe the Pharisees who condemned Jesus, the one they claimed would overthrow their Roman oppressors, would have been happy with the Christian County Republican Party!)

The Local Christian County Republicans

Recently, an elected official took heat from his own party locally because he didn’t do what they thought he should. He has a higher reason. There’s a long game to consider. We can’t go popping off from the start and get anywhere with ruthless thugs in power.

If you know what situation I’m referring to; good. Do something compassionate and helpful. If you don’t, it’s okay, you don’t have to know everything. Go back to your corner and complain.

I’m posting this to remind my fellow Republicans not to be so cannibalistic.

Here’s a cannibal, for example

Let’s all work together and get some moral and decent things accomplished.

You get what you expect. I expect you Republicans to get along, unite, band together, and defeat fascism.

If not, I’ll still vote for you, just more reluctantly than should be necessary.

22720cookie-checkWhy Republicans are idiots now